You can expect to receive your items approximately after 45-60 days, starting from February 11th. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Billing details

Additional information

Your order

Product Subtotal
Sadoer skincare set  × 1 KSh 990.00
Subtotal KSh 990.00
Total KSh 990.00
  • Cross-check your details before pressing the button below.
    Your phone number MUST be registered with M-Pesa(and ON) for this to work.
    You will get a pop-up on your phone asking you to confirm the payment.
    Enter your service (M-Pesa) PIN to proceed.
    In case you don’t see the pop up on your phone, please upgrade your SIM card by dialing *234*1*6#.